5 times WWE failed to 'CASH IN'

With the Money In The Bank PPV just a few days away, what better time to look at the times that Vince McMahon & the WWE failed to 'CASH IN'? Thus below is a my list of 5 times WWE had the opportunity to do something great, but went another direction. #5 THE ROCKERS At the end of the 80’s/beginning of the 90’s Shawn Michaels & Marty Jannetty were white hot, especially amongst the teenage demographic. Their merch sales were sky high and they regularly got one of the biggest ‘pops’ of the night when their entrance music hit. However even with all this success they never really got the push that their popularity deserved, and basically what I mean by this is they never got a run as champions, well officially anyway! Although they (The Rockers) are not recognised by WWE as former tag team champions, that’s not entirely true. Back in October 1990 they actually defeated The Hart Foundation for the titles but because one of the ropes...