6 Greatest WWE Announce Teams EVER!

In light of of the recent reshuffle of WWE's announce teams, we have decided to pick our favourite WWE commentary booths of all time..... P.S. For the purposes of this list we have kept it strictly WWE thus why we haven't included the likes of Solie & Piper, Russell & Brown, Schiavone, Heenan & Zbyszko and so on.... #6 Michael Cole & Tazz Icons of Smackdown in the early 2000's, Cole & Tazz were a breathe of fresh air... Watching recent episodes of Raw it's almost unbelievable to think that Michael Cole was actually a great commentator once upon a time, before he became so overproduced! #5 Vince McMahon & Jesse Ventura Long before the Mr. McMahon gimmick, Vince McMahon was actually quite a good babyface announcer. His most notable counterpart was Jesse "The Body" Ventura, with whom he featured alongside on early WWE PPV's as well as Saturday Night's Main Event. #4 Jim Ross & Paul Heyman This dynamic...