
Showing posts from February, 2019

5 Wrestling Podcasts We Love

Unfortunately at BCW we can't watch wrestling all day long..... We've got families, jobs, travel & other stuff that require us, well, not to sit watching wrestling all day!  However, although we can't actually watch wrestling whilst doing said things, we can still listen to other people talk about wrestling as we go about our daily business!  Thus with that in mind, here are our (current) top 5 favourite Wrestling Podcasts.   #5 We Watch Wrestling Die hard wrestling fans, Matt McCarthy (former WWE writer) & Vince Averill, who also happen to be great stand up comedians, talk all things wrestling.  These absolute legends give their opinions of the current wrestling scene and throw in great stories from their own personal experiences for good measure.  We only discovered these guys lately, but are huge fans already!   *We actually discovered these guys when listening to our favourite non-wrestling podcast My Favorite Murder, as one of the host's (Georg

BCW's Top 5 Wrestling Movies

It's been a while since Professional Wrestling fans have had the chance to get excited about the release of a movie based on the thing we love the most (wrestling).  Well that is until now, as Fighting With My Family hit the theatres in the US, although as we're based in the UK we have another few painstaking days to endure until we can catch it in the local cinema! Fighting With My Family is the knockout comedy based on the incredible true life story of WWE Superstar & former WWE Diva's Champion Paige.  The comedy biopic is written and directed by Stephen Merchant (The Office), produced by The Rock and has already been gaining great success at the box office along with critical acclaim in the US, with the UK release set for February 27th where you can be guaranteed it will be a big hit also (as it is the story of a British Icon, written by a British Comic)! Anyway while we wait for the release in UK we will have to make do with some of our old favourites, there

BCW's Elimination Chamber Predictions

The road to Wrestlemania continues with the first PPV since the Royal Rumble, Elimination Chamber.  I've mixed emotions about this up coming Elimination Chamber event, as to be perfectly honest, I'm not really invested in any of the storylines and some of the matches almost feel pointless as we already know certain performers pretty much guaranteed to still be champion heading into Wrestlemania.  That is unless WWE are pulling the ultimate swerve and are planning on putting the Raw Women's Championship on Ruby Riott, for her to headline Wrestlemania, but I guess we all know that's not going to happen! Any way to get in the spirit of all things Elimination Chamber, I have decided give my predictions, even though this is possibly the most predictable PPV of the year!  But hey, you can only play the hand you're dealt!  Thus, to make things a bit more interesting I've thrown in the odd curve ball for good measure..... BIG CULT WRESTLING'S PREDICTIONS:

5 WWE Mid-Carders who were World Heavyweight Champion in Rival Promotions

With AEW on the horizon it looks like WWE is going to have legitimate competition for the first time since the demise of WCW at the beginning of the millennium.  Thus all the excitement surrounding AEW has caused a great deal of speculation in the Professional Wrestling community as to who will be the first ever AEW World Heavyweight Champion?  Will it be Chris Jericho? Kenny Omega? Cody? or someone completely unexpected!?  With this in mind, I have decided to compile a list of 5 WWE mid-carders who held the top championship in a rival company. #5 RON SIMMONS Photo: On 2nd August 1992 Ron Simmons made history when he defeated Big Van Vader at a House Show in Baltimore, Maryland becoming the first ever African-American wrestler to hold the World Heavyweight Championship in a major promotion (WCW), with a reign lasting 150 days, before dropping the title back to Vader at another House Show in Baltimore, Maryland later that year.  This came after earlie