5 Wrestling Podcasts We Love

Unfortunately at BCW we can't watch wrestling all day long..... We've got families, jobs, travel & other stuff that require us, well, not to sit watching wrestling all day!  However, although we can't actually watch wrestling whilst doing said things, we can still listen to other people talk about wrestling as we go about our daily business!  Thus with that in mind, here are our (current) top 5 favourite Wrestling Podcasts.  

#5 We Watch Wrestling

Die hard wrestling fans, Matt McCarthy (former WWE writer) & Vince Averill, who also happen to be great stand up comedians, talk all things wrestling.  These absolute legends give their opinions of the current wrestling scene and throw in great stories from their own personal experiences for good measure.  We only discovered these guys lately, but are huge fans already!  

*We actually discovered these guys when listening to our favourite non-wrestling podcast My Favorite Murder, as one of the host's (Georgia) is actually Vince Averill's wife!  On this note, you should check out MFM's 17th episode as they cover the Chris Benoit murder/suicide case, it's a great listen and the girls uncover details about the case that we'd never heard before at BCW!

#4 WhatCulture Wrestling Podcast

We are longtime & MASSIVE fans of the WhatCulture WWE YouTube channel and in our opinion they are still kings of the WWE list videos, even though all the cool kids argue that Cultaholic have taken that title!  Anyway it turns out they (WhatCulture "Pronouns Pal") aren't too shabby at the old podcasting either.  They release daily podcasts but our pick of the bunch is the weekly Raw & Smackdown Review (does what it says on the tin), which includes the absolute gem "The 5 Star Review, Review" where they review ridiculous wrestling related items such as Randy Savage Vs Spiderman & WWE Superstars on The Weakest Link etc. 

As we already established we are big fans of WhatCulture, well really that goes hand in hand with Cultaholic as pretty much the entire Cultaholic team are ex-WhatCulture presenters, and yes we love their YouTube channel too!  Again they are pretty great at podcasting and have several shows per week, with our favourite show being the Classic Raw/PPV reviews, where they take a look back at old episodes of  Monday Night Raw & Classic PPV's and discuss them in their own quirky witty style, and we love it!

#2 The Major Wrestling Figure Podcast

WWE Superstars Curt Hawkins (Brian Myers) & Zack Ryder (Matt Cardona) talk about Wrestling Figures, yes this is a real thing, and no they aren't short of content as you may expect!  It really is a fascinating listen, the banter is great, lots of ribbing, great stories of their antics over the years and most importantly they talk about their insane addiction to collecting Wrestling Figures.  Cardona especially, has a ridiculous collection and spends obscene amounts of money on rare collectables.  It's fun, lighthearted & actually has helped push both of their in ring careers of late!

#1 Something To Wrestle with Bruce Prichard

Multi-award winning podcast from one of the most influential figures in WWE for many years, Bruce Prichard.  Bruce recounts his experiences on various topics from his time as Vince McMahon's right hand man, along with his co-host & podcast legend Conrad Thompson.  

If you have been a wrestling fan for years, like us, this is the podcast for you!  Prichard tells it like it is, pulling no punches and gives a detailed account of his experiences in the wrestling business, he lightens the mood with his impressions, catchphrases & humour, telling great & usually funny stories as well as confirming & debunking wrestling urban legends and folklore.  It's a show that one minute can have you in a fit of laughter, and a few moments later in tears when he's giving a heartfelt tribute to some of his fallen colleagues.  In our (and many other people's) opinion Prichard and Thompson are the Undisputed Tag Team Champions of the Wrestling Podcast world and have been for quite some time, and we just hope they never get tired of doing the show and keep the gold for many years to come!



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