8 Common Wrestling Terms Explained

As a life long wrestling fan, I often catch myself using terms when discussing wrestling with casual fans and then soon realise they have no idea what any of the wrestling jargon I am using means! Thus with this in mind here are 8 common wrestling terms/jargon explained. #8 Gorilla Position A name given to the staging area just behind the entrance curtain where wrestlers await their music to cue & final instructions, before being seen by the audience. For many years this spot was manned by Gorilla Monsoon & performers would be told to "go to Gorilla" just before their match. #7 Shoot In wrestling a shoot is when a wrestler deliberately goes off script breaking "kayfabe" (We'll get to that later) by making candid comments or actions etc. The term/saying actually comes from “Shoot Style” wrestling from Japan, which is a very realistic looking hard hitting wrestling style. #6 Jobber A "jobber" is a slang term used to descr...