The 15 Greatest Tag Team Finishers Ever

Not since the days of Demolition, The Hart Foundation, The Road Warriors & The British Bulldogs etc. in the late 1980's has there been such a wealth of talented Tag Teams in the world of Professional Wrestling, until now that is!  As the likes of The Young Bucks, The Revival. The Uso's & The New Day are arguably among a best crop of Pro Wrestling Tag Teams to come along since the 1980s "Golden Generation".  Thus with this in mind, we have decided to pick our Top 15 (basically because we couldn't whittle it down to 10 as there are so many great ones!) Tag Team Finishers of all time.

Honourable Mention: Shaker Heights Spike (The Beverly Brothers)

It wasn't very often we got to see the Shaker Heights Spike, in fact Blake & Beau (The Beverly Brothers) usually only performed the move on local enhancement talent, as on the bigger shows they themselves were regularly jobbed out to more popular teams.

The move itself is devastating, Blake would Flapjack his opponent for Beau to Spike into the canvas.  The only reason this didn't make the Top 15 is the fact that they often botched the move, and as you can clearly see above, it is pretty damn dangerous!!!

#15 Demolition Decapitation (Demolition)

Arguably one of WWE's most iconic Tag Teams of all time, Demolition, had one of the most devastating Tag Team finishers of the late 1980's.  The move involved Smash placing an opponent over his knee in a Backbreaker position for Ax to deliver an Elbow Drop from the second turnbuckle.

#14 Force of Nature (The Wolves)

The combination of two of the most destructive moves in wrestling, a Powerbomb into a Backstabber.  Needless to say that after Davey Richards & Eddie Edwards hit the Force of Nature, there weren't too many who kicked out!

#13 The Powerplex (Power & Glory)

As if a Superplex from the notorious powerhouse Hercules wasn't enough, the Powerplex was topped off with a Diving Splash from the top turnbuckle by Paul Roma.  Just look at that for great timing!

#12 Magic Killer (Anderson & Gallows)

Anderson & Gallows were huge stars in NJPW as part of the Bullet Club before their unfortunately less successful current spell in WWE.  However their finisher is still great though!  The Magic Killer is an aided & elevated version of a Swinging Neckbreaker performed by Luke Gallows with the assistance of partner Karl Anderson.  Teamwork at its very best!

#11 Spike Piledriver (The Brain Busters)

This brutal tag team finisher was made famous by The Brain Busters (Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard) in the 1980's.  The move is the traditional Piledriver combined with a double team where the other partner comes off the second rope "Spiking" their opponent into the canvas with even greater force.

#10 Snapshot (MNM)

The Snapshot was a combination of a delayed Flapjack performed by Joey Mercury setting up an elevated DDT for his partner Johnny Nitro, most commonly followed by a 1,2,3!!!

#9 Total Elimination (The Eliminators)

The Eliminators were one of the toughest Tag Teams in the history of ECW, where they liked to run rough shot over everyone.  Their "Total Elimination" finisher was equal parts innovative & devastating, as Perry Saturn would hit a Spinning Leg Sweep simultaneously with partner John Kronus' Spinning Heel-kick.

#8 Hart Attack - The Hart Foundation

The pink & black attack were hugely successful in the 1980's and a lot of this comes down to having a great finisher.  The Hart Attack involved The Anvil elevating an opponent in a Bearhug like position for The Hitman to come of the ropes at great speed to perform a Diving Clothesline.

#7 Made in Detroit - Motor City Machine Guns

A sit-out top rope Powerbomb combined with a simultaneous top rope reverse Blockbuster is no easy feat, however Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin always seemed to pull off this monstrosity of a move seamlessly with perfect timing every time.

#6 The Midnight Hour (The New Day)

A finisher definitely worthy of the longest reigning Tag Team champions in the history of WWE, The New Day.  The Midnight Hour is a mash up of Big E's Big Ending combined with with a top rope DDT from either Xavier Woods or Kofi Kingston.

#5 The Meltzer Driver (The Young Bucks)

Former Indy darlings & now AEW Executives, The Young Bucks have arguably been the best Tag Team in the world for this past 5 years.  At times however The Bucks matches have been criticised for being "Spotfests" but hey, that's why we all love them so damn much!!! With this in mind it would be hard to find a bigger "spot" in The Young Bucks repertoire than The Meltzer Driver, a Spike Tombstone Piledriver with flips & acrobatics thrown into the mix for good measure!!!  

#4 The Steinerizer - The Steiner Brothers

Before Scott Steiner went on to become Big Poppa Pump and an internet meme legend, he was half of one of the greatest tag teams of all time with his brother Rick.  The Steiner Brothers were tremendous athletes who performed many now infamously dangerous manoeuvres throughout their bouts.  Their finisher didn't disappoint either as it was a combination of a top rope Bulldog & Electric Chair Drop AKA.....The Steinerizer!

#3 Dudley Death Drop AKA 3D (The Dudley Boyz)

Bubba Ray & D-Von are the epitome of ECW as well as WWE's Attitude Era.  They fought a hardcore style often putting their opponents through tables.... "D-Von!!! GET THE TABLES".  The 3D was their most effective way of finishing off their opponents both with & without the use of a table.  The move was a combination of a Flapjack into a Diamond Cutter/RKO.  Not surprisingly the Dudley's have held dozens championships across multiple promotions throughout their careers thanks to the 3D!

#2 Shatter Machine (The Revival)

The Revival are WWE's shout for current best Tag Team on the planet.  Dawson & Wilder fight in a classic heel style very similar to The Brain Busters (Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard).  Their finisher, the Shatter Machine is a great modern move to compliment the rest of The Revival's old school arsenal, with the manoeuvre being an absolutely deadly combination of a Flapjack & The Codebreaker.  Something tells us that The Revival will be "Top Guys" for many years to come!

#1 The Doomsday Device (The Road Warriors/Legion of Doom)

Finishing manoeuvre of The Road Warriors/Legion of Doom, where Hawk would perform a top rope clothesline knocking his opponent off his partner Animal's shoulders in the process.  It takes skill (mainly from the performer taking the bump) to avoid injury on the landing from the Doomsday Device, unfortunately a lot of enhancement talent in the 90's lacked said skill!  The move was so dangerous that infamously Power & Glory's Paul Roma refused to take it on house shows in the early 90s.  Not so amusingly the move caused Henry O. Godwin to break his neck & ended his career!

All danger aside, this move was glorious and we don't feel there is any better to take the mantel of the Greatest Tag Team Finisher Of All Time!!!


Credit: (All photos/footage unless specified)


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