
10 Ridiculous Wrestling Moves (Non-Wrestling Fans Don't Get)

If you are a lifelong Wrestling fan like myself you will have, I am sure, on hundreds of occasions had to defend your love of the business.  The old..... "It's not FAKE! It's predetermined" argument springing to mind!!!  Anyway, we all have made our different arguments trying to explain why Professional Wrestling/Sports Entertainment is brilliant to a non-wrestling fan mate who bins you off telling you "It's for kids" etc.  However sometimes the thing we all love most is just impossible to defend to the non-wrestling fan! With this in mind, here are 10 Ridiculous Wrestling Moves (Non-Wrestling Fans Don't Get)  #10 Ric Flair Flop I know this is not a move per se, but it is classic Ric Flair signature (which I adore) but show it to a mate who does not like wrestling, and you won't win your argument! #9 Judas Effect Credit: AEW Controversial choice, but this just isn't a finisher for me!  Jericho has a much better

Will WWE Cancel WrestleMania 36? NOPE!!! 4 Times The Show Went On!

As we all know, Covid-19 has brought the sporting world (and life) to pretty much a standstill, with the majority of major sporting events being cancelled, postponed or being held behind closed doors this past few days... so what does this mean for WWE, and will WrestleMania 36 be cancelled? With that in mind lets take a look at 4 times where WWE has taken the stance of "The Show Must Go On"..... #4 WWE Smackdown - Friday 13th March 2020  Yes, the first entry on this list was actually held last night at WWE Performance Centre in Florida "Behind Closed Doors", after cancelling the live event which was scheduled to be held in Detroit, Michigan. This was one of the most extreme measures ever taken by WWE in the face of adversity as WWE have proceeded with live events in arguably more serious/threatening/dangerous circumstances (but we'll get to that later).  Rather than cancel the event completely, good old Vinnie Mac pulled his usual stance of "T

5 Legends Who Could Return at The Royal Rumble

The road to WrestleMania begins at the Royal Rumble, so what better place for a legend to return and set up a marquee match at the "Showcase of the Immortals" than the Royal Rumble match itself.  Legends return at the Royal Rumble every year, so the question is, who's it going to be this year? As of writing this article there are only 5 confirmed entrants to the Women's Rumble, thus we feel it will be peppered with female legends, therefor for the purposes of this article, we are only going to look at potential returns in the Men's Royal Rumble match.   #5 Sting BCW thoughts/notes:  This time of year rumours start about one last Sting match, usually pitching him to square off against The Undertaker at WrestleMania.  This is something we'd love to see, however it all depends on Sting's physical condition and whether WWE would be willing to clear him for an in-ring return. #4 The Undertaker BCW thoughts/notes:  The Deadman is still an act

5 NXT Stars Who Could Win The Royal Rumble

After NXT being an overwhelming success at Survivor Series just a couple of months ago, it has been suprisingly quiet in terms of NXT Superstars declaring themselves as entrants for this years Royal Rumble!  Without a doubt there will be a few significant appearances from the Black & Gold brand, however at BCW we have selected 5 NXT Superstars who we feel could actually win this years' Royal Rumble! #5 Adam Cole......BayBay BCW thoughts/notes:  If he actually makes a surprise appearance, realistically he will most likely make final 4 at best, however he is NXT Champion & if WWE want to keep NXT as strong as they were coming out of Survivor Series, there's no better shout than the current NXT Champ! #4 Demon Finn Balor BCW thoughts/notes: The Demon is undefeated at WWE Big 4 PPVs thus if involved he would be a huge favourite to win!  Also with the Demon winning the Royal Rumble, WWE could set up a dream/nightmare WrestleMania Main Event of Demon Vs The Fie

6 Greatest WWE Announce Teams EVER!

In light of of the recent reshuffle of WWE's announce teams, we have decided to pick our favourite WWE commentary booths of all time.....  P.S. For the purposes of this list we have kept it strictly WWE thus why we haven't included the likes of Solie & Piper, Russell & Brown, Schiavone, Heenan & Zbyszko and so on.... #6  Michael Cole & Tazz Icons of Smackdown in the early 2000's, Cole & Tazz were a breathe of fresh air...  Watching recent episodes of Raw it's almost unbelievable to think that Michael Cole was actually a great commentator once upon a time, before he became so overproduced! #5  Vince McMahon & Jesse Ventura Long before the Mr. McMahon gimmick, Vince McMahon was actually quite a good babyface announcer.  His most notable counterpart was Jesse "The Body" Ventura, with whom he featured alongside on early WWE PPV's as well as Saturday Night's Main Event. #4  Jim Ross & Paul Heyman This dynamic

8 Common Wrestling Terms Explained

As a life long wrestling fan, I often catch myself using terms when discussing wrestling with casual fans and then soon realise they have no idea what any of the wrestling jargon I am using means!  Thus with this in mind here are 8 common wrestling terms/jargon explained. #8 Gorilla Position A name given to the staging area just behind the entrance curtain where wrestlers await their music to cue & final instructions, before being seen by the audience.  For many years this spot was manned by Gorilla Monsoon & performers would be told to "go to Gorilla" just before their match. #7 Shoot In wrestling a shoot is when a wrestler deliberately goes off script breaking "kayfabe" (We'll get to that later) by making candid comments or actions etc.   The term/saying actually comes from “Shoot Style” wrestling from Japan, which is a very realistic looking hard hitting wrestling style. #6 Jobber A "jobber" is a slang term used to descr

The 15 Greatest Tag Team Finishers Ever

Not since the days of Demolition, The Hart Foundation, The Road Warriors & The British Bulldogs etc. in the late 1980's has there been such a wealth of talented Tag Teams in the world of Professional Wrestling, until now that is!  As the likes of The Young Bucks, The Revival. The Uso's & The New Day are arguably among a best crop of Pro Wrestling Tag Teams to come along since the 1980s "Golden Generation".  Thus with this in mind, we have decided to pick our Top 15 (basically because we couldn't whittle it down to 10 as there are so many great ones!) Tag Team Finishers of all time. Honourable Mention: Shaker Heights Spike (The Beverly Brothers) It wasn't very often we got to see the Shaker Heights Spike, in fact Blake & Beau (The Beverly Brothers) usually only performed the move on local enhancement talent, as on the bigger shows they themselves were regularly jobbed out to more popular teams. The move itself is devastating, Blake would