10 Ridiculous Wrestling Moves (Non-Wrestling Fans Don't Get)

If you are a lifelong Wrestling fan like myself you will have, I am sure, on hundreds of occasions had to defend your love of the business.  The old..... "It's not FAKE! It's predetermined" argument springing to mind!!!  Anyway, we all have made our different arguments trying to explain why Professional Wrestling/Sports Entertainment is brilliant to a non-wrestling fan mate who bins you off telling you "It's for kids" etc.  However sometimes the thing we all love most is just impossible to defend to the non-wrestling fan!

With this in mind, here are 10 Ridiculous Wrestling Moves (Non-Wrestling Fans Don't Get) 

#10 Ric Flair Flop

I know this is not a move per se, but it is classic Ric Flair signature (which I adore) but show it to a mate who does not like wrestling, and you won't win your argument!

#9 Judas Effect

Credit: AEW

Controversial choice, but this just isn't a finisher for me!  Jericho has a much better arsenal to end a match with... and to be honest the first time I saw it I thought he was just ribbing the fans (wouldn't put it past him mind you).  Cue the AEW fanboy heat :)

#8 The Lightning Fist

Again, is this a rib on the fans?  It is if you ask me!

#7 Five Knuckle Shuffle

John Cena strikes again!  The best thing about this move is the name!

#6 The Slingshot

Whether it’s to the Turnbuckle/Post or under the Bottom Rope, this move just doesn’t make sense as it defys the laws of Physics.  Ask any kid who has ever sat on Seesaw and they will tell you it just wouldn't happen like that, ha!

#5 The Caterpillar/The Worm

Whether it's Otis' Caterpillar or Scotty 2 Hotty's Worm it doesn't matter, show either to a mate who doesn't watch the product & I guarantee you they'll respond with a "WTF?" & not in a good way!

#4 The Cobra


At least Mankind used Mr Socko for the devastating Mandible Claw, Santino’s Cobra Sock Puppet was nothing more than a goofy comedy spot.

#3 The Stinkface

Made famous by Rikishi basically rubbing his massive arse in his opponent’s face, however my most vivid memory is Pat Patterson performing it on Rikishi with skid marks on his undies and being referred to as "Poop Stain Patterson".  CHRIST!!!

#2 The Peoples Elbow

I know people are going to hate me for this, but just look at it!  He won matches with this, he won the WWE Championship with this FFS!  Just look at it....LOOK AT IT! 

#1 Anything with Joey Ryan's Penis


Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love some of Joey Ryan's Penis spots, however this list isn't about things I like, this list is about moves that you ABSOLUTELY don't want your mates (who ALREADY think you are sad for still watching wrestling at 36 years of age ) to EVER see!!! 

Thus why all moves performed by Joey Ryan's manhood make Number 1 on this list! 


Credit: WWE.com (All photos/footage unless specified)


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